Szarlotka Festival

Sunday 16 June 2024, from 1 – 3pm, Dom Polski, 1 McDonald Street, Morningside Described as “the right amount of sweetness combined with the right amount of crumble,” the traditional szarlotka is a celebration of apples and pastry, aka apple pie with a Polish twist. … so anything goes. I know I can’t resist adding…

Monte Cassino

Eighty years ago today, 18 May 1944, at 10.20am, the Polish flag flew over the ruins of the Benedictine monastery on top of Monte Cassino. The ruins had loomed over the soldiers of the Second Polish Corps in Italy, led by Lieutenant-General Władysław Anders, since they entered the fray surrounding Monte Cassino—the main stronghold of…

Maciej Jerzy Kublikowski

Died in Poland on 27 April 2024. Between 1984 and 2000 Maciej lived in Auckland, New Zealand. He was our colleague and an active member of the Solidarity Organization in New Zealand, the Polish Club in Auckland, and the Auckland Polish Association. Maciej was one of the organizers and the first Solidarity trade union leader…

Maciej Jerzy Kublikowski

Zmarł w Polsce 27 kwietnia 2024 r. W latach 1984-2000 nasz polonijny kolega, aktywny członek organizacji „Solidarność w Nowej Zelandii”, Klubu Polskiego i Stowarzyszenia Polaków w Auckland. Miał 79 lat. Maciej by założycielem i pierwszym przewodniczącym związku NSZZ Solidarność w Siedlcach. Urodził się 19 IX 1945 w Siedlcach. Tam uczęszczał do szkól i ukończył Studium…

Katyń Memorial Plaque

Thank you to all who donated towards the replacement of the little display case containing soil and a pinecone from the Katyń forest. The case and its contents disappeared from the Katyń memorial plaque in Auckland’s cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph in Wyndham Street. Fr. Chris Denham, Dean of the Cathedral, said that…