Promocja książki Jacka Dreckiego o Ignacym Paderewskim
Quo Vadis Publications in Stowarzyszenie Polaków w Auckland
na promocję książki Jacka Dreckiego pod tytułem
Ignacy Jan Paderewski, A Pianist Amidst the Geysers
która odbędzie się w niedzielę 8 lipca
o godzinie 2.00 po południu
w Domu Polskim, 1 MacDonald St, Morningside.
Książka jest poświęcona niezwykłemu wydarzeniu, jakim był dwukrotny pobyt Paderewskiego w Nowej Zelandii w 1904 i 1927 roku. Koncerty naszego światowej sławy pianisty, kompozytora i męża stanu wywołały duże poruszenie nie tylko wśród entuzjastów muzyki ale niemal całego społeczeństwa z elitami politycznymi włącznie. W dużej mierze efektem tego poruszenia, ale i niezwykłej osobowości naszego rodaka, jest dobra opinia o Polsce i Polakach, jaką cieszymy się w naszej nowej ojczyźnie. Z kolei Paderewski, podobnie jak my, oczarowany Nową Zelandią, znalazłwszy „najpogodniejsze i najspokojniejsze miejsce na świecie”, spędził tu, niepozbawione przygód, wakacje wśród gejzerów…
W programie:
- 1.50 – Lunch (lekki posiłek na ciepło)
- 2.30 – Dariusz Koper – Prezes Stowarzyszenia – Przywitanie gości
- 2.35 – Roman Drecki – słowo wstępne
- 2.50 – Berenika Widera – Lento con gran espressione – Chopin
- 2.55 – Matt Elliott (guest speaker) – ‘Land of the long, warm welcome’ (in English)
- 3.05 – Berenika Widera – Mazurek, op 6 nr 5 – Chopin
- 3.10 – Jacek Drecki – słowo od autora
- 3.20 – Afternoon tea
Podczas promocji będzie można kupić książkę (cena egzemplarza $35) i uzyskać autograf autora z dedykacją.
Ignacy Jan Paderewski, A Pianist Amidst the Geysers is a meticulously researched account of unprecedented musical events that took place in early 20th century New Zealand. The detail and authenticity of the narrative takes us on tour with Ignacy Jan Paderewski, then the world’s most recognised and celebrated pianist. The story tracks his anticipated arrivals and heartfelt departures; invites us into the hotels in which he stayed and practised before his public performances; paints the picture of enthusiastic crowds scrambling for tickets and cheering on the pianist whenever he made an appearance; and enchants us with the music that can almost be heard when reading about the pianist’s virtuosity and the truly unique atmosphere of the concert halls. It reports on Paderewski’s interactions with representatives of the esteemed social and political circles of the time, and makes reference to his many press interviews in which he gave his thoughts on the young country he was travelling through.
Interestingly, the book captures the lesser known side of Paderewski – the curious tourist who wanted to witness and discover the sheer beauty of New Zealand, “where nowhere in the world he has seen as many shades of green”. His serendipitous holiday spent in the thermal regions of the central North Island in November 1904 fuelled his genuine interest in a land shaped by volcanism and geothermal activities. His fascination with Māori culture and customs and the genuine friendship he developed with the people set a scene for a remarkable private concert where Paderewski himself became, “a pianist amidst the geysers”.
The story concludes with the examining of Paderewski’s imprint on New Zealand’s music scene, and ponders the influence his concert tours had on the nation’s social life. As the fruits of such events ripen slowly in the silence of people’s hearts, we are left to determine for ourselves the legacy of Paderewski’s visits.
Ignacy Jan Paderewski A Pianist Amidst the Geysers Jacek Roman Drecki
Published June 2018 XIV, 186 pages ISBN 978-0-473-43880-7 210mm x 135mm Hard cover with jacket
Quo Vadis Publications 27 Wernham Place, Northcote Auckland, New Zealand
Text © Jacek Roman Drecki, 2018
Printed by Printlink, Wellington, New Zealand
Price $35.00 / $39.00 (online)
Jacek Roman Drecki – a devoted Pole and a proud New Zealander. His early fascination with natural landscapes and the intricacies of Earth’s terrain, led him to discover that in order to understand what one sees it is necessary to look deeper. This principle sets the tone for everything he does. Whether it is the study of glacial movements in the Arctic or identifying volcanic lava flows on Mt Ruapehu, understanding these processes is the key goal of his inquiries. No differently does Jacek approach another of his interests – tracing Polish footprints in New Zealand. With his curious mind, he sets out to bring the story of the famous Polish pianist to life. Ignacy Jan Paderewski, A Pianist Amidst the Geysers is his first book, and a testimony to Jacek’s inherent inquisitiveness.