Polish children of Pahiatua
Event on Sunday 20th October is nearly fully booked. If you are ‘Pahiatua Child’ or descendent and you wish to attend the event on 20th October, please email prezes@PoloniaAuckland.co.nz
Event on Sunday 20th October is nearly fully booked. If you are ‘Pahiatua Child’ or descendent and you wish to attend the event on 20th October, please email prezes@PoloniaAuckland.co.nz
It is with regret that we announce the death of Jadwiga née Jarka Cooper, one of our most colourful Auckland Polish community members. She died peacefully on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, aged 96. Her funeral will be held on Thursday 20 June at 11am at the Church of St John the Evangelist, 180 Centreway Road,…
Died in Poland on 27 April 2024. Between 1984 and 2000 Maciej lived in Auckland, New Zealand. He was our colleague and an active member of the Solidarity Organization in New Zealand, the Polish Club in Auckland, and the Auckland Polish Association. Maciej was one of the organizers and the first Solidarity trade union leader…
Zmarł w Polsce 27 kwietnia 2024 r. W latach 1984-2000 nasz polonijny kolega, aktywny członek organizacji „Solidarność w Nowej Zelandii”, Klubu Polskiego i Stowarzyszenia Polaków w Auckland. Miał 79 lat. Maciej by założycielem i pierwszym przewodniczącym związku NSZZ Solidarność w Siedlcach. Urodził się 19 IX 1945 w Siedlcach. Tam uczęszczał do szkól i ukończył Studium…
Thank you to all who donated towards the replacement of the little display case containing soil and a pinecone from the Katyń forest. The case and its contents disappeared from the Katyń memorial plaque in Auckland’s cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph in Wyndham Street. Fr. Chris Denham, Dean of the Cathedral, said that…
Where: Dom Polski 1 McDonald Street, Morningside When: Sunday, 20 November 2022 Time: 12 noon – 4pm _______________ Anniversaries are sent to us for a reason. We all seem to complain about our lives becoming busier than ever but, if it were not for those birthdays and other high holidays to force us, we would…
Input from readers is something website creators welcome, and we are no different. It means people are reading our stories—and let us know where we may have got it wrong. In my original story about the history of Poles in Auckland, which is under the About Us drop-down menu, I mistakenly used an incorrect date…
(15 II 1931 – 6 II 2022) Historia życia – w skrócie Autor: Jacek Drecki Malwina Zofia (Wisia) Schwieters (z domu Rubisz), urodziła się 15 lutego 1931 roku w Sokołowie, w powiecie rzeszowskim, województwo lwowskie. Do wybuchu II Wojny Światowej, wraz z rodzicami, Zygmuntem i Anną oraz młodszym bratem Ignacym, mieszkała w Nisku, a następnie…
(February 15, 1931 – February 6, 2022) An insight into the life of a proud Polish woman. by Jacek Drecki Malwina Zofia (Wisia) Schwieters (née Rubisz) was born on 15 February 1931 in Sokołów, Rzeszów county, Lwów province, in southern Poland. Prior to World War II, she lived with her parents, Zygmunt and Anna, and…
SIBERIAN EXILES CROSS by Kelly Mills and Emma Conroy Our nana, Anna Aitken (nee Zazulak), one of the Polish children of Pahiatua and one of five sisters, came to New Zealand in 1944 and made New Zealand her home. Sadly, she had passed away before the Siberian Cross was made available and therefore could not…