Looking for translators/ Potrzebujemy tłumaczy

Readers of our website may have noticed that we have removed the translator button from our menu.

It was not a decision made lightly. Having an algorithm translating for one is so much easier than actually doing the hard graft—and it is instant.

We noticed, however—and have been told—that the “instant” translations of our stories were, well, at best, less than perfect, and at worst, farcical.

So, we are looking for not one person, but several people who would be prepared to be part of a team that translates our posts and stories from English into Polish.

It is not a paying position. You will be working for the love of language, and the knowledge that you will be ensuring that your language will not be mutilated in strange ways.

If you would like to help us, we would really appreciate your input. The longest assignment is the translation of Our History, which is more than 3,000 words. But, apart from the obituaries, most of the posts have fewer than 500 words. (This post just 200.)

Anyone willing to help should send an email to info@poloniaauckland.co.nz.

Many thanks – the APA committee.